Monday, February 29, 2016

Tarot Card of the Week: 2/29

Happy Monday, Tarot friends! Today I'm snuggled up at home sick, but with the aid of some cold medicine I'm finally upright enough to draw a Card of the Week for you!

Today has an interesting tie in, as it's the 4 year anniversary of my trip to Glastonbury, where I purchased the deck from which I've been drawing our Cards of the Week. To think, four years ago I was steeped in the magical aura of Glastonbury and of Stonehenge, and now I'm here sharing my Tarot journey with you all.

With that in mind... let's look at our Card of the Week! Appropriately enough for Leap Day, this week's card has to do with leaping in.

Card of the Week: The Fool
Card Description: 
The Fool is a young person without direction, drifting through life without discipline. He is more concerned with the trivia of life than with its substance. He has a naive and inexperience look, and is surrounded by a great void, symbolic of all the opportunities surrounding him and waiting to be fulfilled. He seems unaware of the awaiting chasm, for worries that would concern a more mature person don't bother him. The cat in the picture issues a warning, but The Fool notices nothing (Paraphrased from The Tarot of the Cat People companion book.)

Archetypal Meaning(s): 

In spite of its somewhat negative-sounding description, this card is not necessarily negative. It signifies the beginning of an adventure and new opportunities. It shows the pleasure, passion, and rashness involved in a new journey. It could also mean folly, thoughtlessness, excess, and indiscretion. The card may signify the tendency to start projects without full consideration of details or a reluctance to listen to advice. 

What It Says to Me: 

This card has been popping up in personal readings for me lately, and I can't help but connect it to the impending decisions I will receive from graduate programs in the coming month or two. While the idea of a new beginning and new opportunity fills my heart with excitement, I am careful to heed the card's warning about leaping in without considering details. Provided I am given more than one choice, this card reminds me to think carefully and fully before deciding where to pursue the next step of my education.

What comes up for you when looking at the meanings of this card? Do you have any opportunities or journeys on the horizon that this card reminds you of?

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